This ADMA Activity Calendar booklet has been designed to give an insight of all sports developmental activities that The Association of Draughts in Malawi has planned to carry out during the 2013 – 2014 fiscal year with the support from the Government of Malawi through the Malawi National Council of Sports and also the support from Well Wishers.
ADMA has lined up the following activities to be done within the period stated above
1. Purchase of Draughts Materials
2. Regional Leagues
3. Draughts at Grass Roots
4. Club Visitations
5. Senior Draughts Work Shop
6. 2nd National Tournament
7. Draughts in prisons
8. African Pool Championship 2014 in Zambia
Purchase of Draughts Materials For effective draughts sport development in the country it is a prerequisite that ADMA has enough and right materials for use during the game. Basically draughts sport requires three major materials, Board, Pieces and clock. Boards can be made locally and ADMA recommends plastic pieces which can be sourced locally through plastic manufacturing companies. In addition ADMA will require at least three official banners which can easily draw public attention by providing the information about draughts sport development in the country.
Use of Draughts Clock
A draughts clock consists of two adjacent clocks and buttons to stop one clock while starting the other, such that the two component clocks never run simultaneously. Game clocks are used in two-player games where the players move in turn. The purpose is to keep track of the total time each player takes for his or her own moves, and ensure that neither player overly delays the game.As for the clocks ADMA will need to have them as it is an international standard. They will help players to learn time management in competitive local and international tournaments
Clubs Visitations ADMA would also like to embark on a tour to visit all clubs that have expressed interest or registered with it. The expected arrangement will be to allow ADMA officials in the south to visit all clubs in the southern region and this will be the same case with central and northern regions.
Regional Leagues ADMA would like to administer three leagues in three regions of the country, thus Southern Region Draughts League, SRDL, Central Region Draughts League, CRDL and Northern Region Draughts League, NRDL
Schools Program(Draught at Grassroots)
A saying goes, “To learn draughts is simple but to attain mastery level is a lifetime assignment”
Research conducted by ADMA officials has revealed that mastery levels can easily be achieved if draughts sport is introduced to the young generation(grassroots), For example, in Russia, Ukraine, Trinidad and Tobago Draughts is part of their lessons in primary, and even secondary schools no wonder we have many International Grand Masters from such countries.( )
The international Draughts Federations on its calendar has Youth Championships program and Malawi can only participate in the same if the sport is introduced and tactically taught in schools, hence the need for ADMA to take the sport to grassroots.
The program will target children aged 8 to 15 years. The targeted children are mostly given the fundamental messages that draughts is all about building ones critical thinking and fun.
The program is likely to embrace many primary schools but in this fiscal year ADMA will sample out about 6 primary schools, Chirimba, Mbayani, Ndirande, Namalimwe, Zingwangwa and chilomoni in the southern region. Four primary schools from the central region and three from Northern region will also be considered. ADMA will look into it that relevant skills are imparted in these children with the help of Malawi top players in coordination with sports teachers in these schools.
Seniors Draughts Workshop
ADMA in striving to adhere to the international standard s on the game would wish to be teaching and updating its senior players on what is new in world of draughts. Such workshops would last for a day or two and certificates of attendance and performance would be given to the participants. Depending on funds ADMA may decide to have three workshops in each region or just one at an agreed place.
2nd National Tournament
1st National Tournament took place in Lilongwe From March 29-31 and second National Tournament will take place in Blantyre during the same easter period 2014.
Importance of National Tournament
Draughts in Prisons
ADMA would also wish to introduce the sport into prisons, this project will also give inmates chance to portray their skills and thereby contributing to the sports development
African Pool Championship 2014
The highly profiled competition is likely to take place in Zambia, as the Zambia Draughts Federation has been offered a chance to host the same and they have since written their Council to endorse it
The challenge cup is likely to attract countries like Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania and DR Congo and many more.
Details of the tournament will be officially communicated in due course. But the Tournament is likely to place in May or June 2014.
It is the wish of ADMA to send its National team to represent Malawi during this big tournament
This ADMA Activity Calendar booklet has been designed to give an insight of all sports developmental activities that The Association of Draughts in Malawi has planned to carry out during the 2013 – 2014 fiscal year with the support from the Government of Malawi through the Malawi National Council of Sports and also the support from Well Wishers.
ADMA has lined up the following activities to be done within the period stated above
1. Purchase of Draughts Materials
2. Regional Leagues
3. Draughts at Grass Roots
4. Club Visitations
5. Senior Draughts Work Shop
6. 2nd National Tournament
7. Draughts in prisons
8. African Pool Championship 2014 in Zambia
Purchase of Draughts Materials For effective draughts sport development in the country it is a prerequisite that ADMA has enough and right materials for use during the game. Basically draughts sport requires three major materials, Board, Pieces and clock. Boards can be made locally and ADMA recommends plastic pieces which can be sourced locally through plastic manufacturing companies. In addition ADMA will require at least three official banners which can easily draw public attention by providing the information about draughts sport development in the country.
Use of Draughts Clock
A draughts clock consists of two adjacent clocks and buttons to stop one clock while starting the other, such that the two component clocks never run simultaneously. Game clocks are used in two-player games where the players move in turn. The purpose is to keep track of the total time each player takes for his or her own moves, and ensure that neither player overly delays the game.As for the clocks ADMA will need to have them as it is an international standard. They will help players to learn time management in competitive local and international tournaments
Clubs Visitations ADMA would also like to embark on a tour to visit all clubs that have expressed interest or registered with it. The expected arrangement will be to allow ADMA officials in the south to visit all clubs in the southern region and this will be the same case with central and northern regions.
- Sensitizing clubs on what are the roles of ADMA
- Unveiling ADMA Activity Calendar for 2013 - 2014 to members
- Ensuring that members are getting prepared well in advance before the forthcoming coming activities
- Notifying rules of the draughts in accordance with the international standards
- Getting views from members on what they think could be done in order to forge ahead with the promotion of the sport
- Inspiring clubs to train hard
- Distribute some materials as funds may allow e.g. Boards, pieces, clocks, banners, T-Shirts, calendars just to mention a few
- Enhancing relationship between clubs and ADMA as this will put trust in them that ADMA is for them and not for executives.
- This exercise would result into more clubs getting formed and registered hence increasing membership base and enhancing local sport development
Regional Leagues ADMA would like to administer three leagues in three regions of the country, thus Southern Region Draughts League, SRDL, Central Region Draughts League, CRDL and Northern Region Draughts League, NRDL
- To ensure that draughts sport is well participated by many players from almost all districts in the region
- This will help in identifying hidden talent
- Leagues will make the forth coming national tournament more competitive as best players will be derived from such leagues
- This will be an effective tool to enhance sports development across the country
Schools Program(Draught at Grassroots)
A saying goes, “To learn draughts is simple but to attain mastery level is a lifetime assignment”
Research conducted by ADMA officials has revealed that mastery levels can easily be achieved if draughts sport is introduced to the young generation(grassroots), For example, in Russia, Ukraine, Trinidad and Tobago Draughts is part of their lessons in primary, and even secondary schools no wonder we have many International Grand Masters from such countries.( )
The international Draughts Federations on its calendar has Youth Championships program and Malawi can only participate in the same if the sport is introduced and tactically taught in schools, hence the need for ADMA to take the sport to grassroots.
The program will target children aged 8 to 15 years. The targeted children are mostly given the fundamental messages that draughts is all about building ones critical thinking and fun.
The program is likely to embrace many primary schools but in this fiscal year ADMA will sample out about 6 primary schools, Chirimba, Mbayani, Ndirande, Namalimwe, Zingwangwa and chilomoni in the southern region. Four primary schools from the central region and three from Northern region will also be considered. ADMA will look into it that relevant skills are imparted in these children with the help of Malawi top players in coordination with sports teachers in these schools.
- To introduce boys and girls (8-15 yrs.) to draughts at grassroots level
- To enhance and stimulate critical thinking in children
- To promote the concept of grassroots draughts
- To develop grassroots draughts activities
- To prepare our children for international youth competitions in future
- To enable them attain mastery levels as they grow
- Train local instructors for grass roots draughts education
- Use the grassroots inter-primary schools tournaments as a platform for scouting talented players both boys and girls
Seniors Draughts Workshop
ADMA in striving to adhere to the international standard s on the game would wish to be teaching and updating its senior players on what is new in world of draughts. Such workshops would last for a day or two and certificates of attendance and performance would be given to the participants. Depending on funds ADMA may decide to have three workshops in each region or just one at an agreed place.
- Teaching game recording which is a prerequisite to participating international competitions
- IDF through its International Grand Master, GMI will be offering live lessons through internet webcamera
- Equipping them with right skills on how to go about teaching the children at grassroots since only approved persons through such workshops would be considered to instructors
- Would be used as a forum for sport developmental discussions
2nd National Tournament
1st National Tournament took place in Lilongwe From March 29-31 and second National Tournament will take place in Blantyre during the same easter period 2014.
Importance of National Tournament
- It serves as a platform where all best talent from across the country consolidate
- ADMA recognizes the best of the best who become legible candidates to represent Malawi in any coming international competition
- It stimulates players performance in their respective bases as they work extra harder to make sure they participate
- Clubs oneness is attained through such events
- New titles can be unveiled through such events
- It gets an international recognition by the International draughts federation
- Best time to derive a national team
Draughts in Prisons
ADMA would also wish to introduce the sport into prisons, this project will also give inmates chance to portray their skills and thereby contributing to the sports development
African Pool Championship 2014
The highly profiled competition is likely to take place in Zambia, as the Zambia Draughts Federation has been offered a chance to host the same and they have since written their Council to endorse it
The challenge cup is likely to attract countries like Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania and DR Congo and many more.
Details of the tournament will be officially communicated in due course. But the Tournament is likely to place in May or June 2014.
It is the wish of ADMA to send its National team to represent Malawi during this big tournament